Ad Inserter Pro is a simple yet powerful all-in-one WordPress ad management plugin, AdSense plugin, ad manager plugin, custom header and footer code inserter and much more. It can insert any code at any supported position. Perfect for AdSense, Amazon, Ad Manager DFP ads, rotating banners or any other ads. If you are not happy with the standard positions available in other AdSense plugins and WordPress ad managers, you can use CSS selectors to automatically insert before, within or after any HTML element on any page. This means you can insert any code anywhere on the page. Please see the feature list for a comparison and description of licence types. With Ad Inserter Pro you also get one year of free updates and support.
You can install and test the free Ad Inserter plugin (also available in the WordPress plugin directory) and if you find it useful and need more features, you can easily upgrade to Ad Inserter. Upgrading from free Ad Inserter to Ad Inserter Pro is easy and preserves your settings. Simply deactivate and remove free Ad Inserter, then upload and activate Ad Inserter. We offer four licence types for Ad Inserter Pro. Each licence includes free updates for 1 year. One licence is required for each website where the plugin is installed. After the free update period has expired, you will still be able to use Ad Inserter Pro normally. Only plugin updates will no longer be available and you will no longer be eligible for support.
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