Adifier is a truly complete classifieds marketplace. All of it’s features have been built from the ground up, resulting in only having the things you need. It has been carefully designed with a lot of analysis of all the popular marketplaces to decide which features to include. Your users will be able to better present their classifieds with the ability to select the type of ad that will send clear information to potential buyers. They will be able to choose from the following: sell, auction, buy, exchange, gift. Visitors can also filter ads by this type. Advanced Custom Fields are designed to give sellers the ability to present their classifieds with clear and rich information and give visitors the best possible filtering options while maintaining the speed of the site.
Advanced Custom Fields, built specifically for this topic, do just that. You can set up custom fields on a per category basis. Since the theme is aimed at a wide range of marketplace variations, monetisation of classifieds is no exception. The theme supports packages (allowing users to post a certain amount of ads), subscriptions (allowing users to post ads for a certain amount of time) or free. Theme goes even further by allowing your users to promote their ads. They are able to bump up an ad, highlight an ad, make an ad featured, make an ad urgent or promote it on the map on the front page. This section is also fully customisable so you can create an unlimited number of promotions.
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