Advanced Google Maps Plugin – This WordPress map plugin for Google Maps is the most customizable Google Maps plugin available on codecanyon. Easily display basic to advanced Google Maps with just a few clicks. WP Maps Pro allows you to display multiple locations, multiple maps, posts, custom post types, taxonomies, categories and listings with filters on a WordPress page. WP Maps Pro benefits: Display posts, pages, and custom post types on Google Maps using the built-in meta box. Display posts, pages, and custom post types using custom fields. Display posts, pages and custom post types using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) WordPress plugin.
Advanced Google Maps Plugin – Display information about posts, locations, extra fields, custom fields, and taxonomies in customizable info windows. Display ACF fields in the info window or listing. Display custom listings below the map with quick and flexible search options. Filter locations by category for easy navigation. Filter locations by custom fields, taxonomies associated with items. Filter locations by additional fields associated with locations. Integration with popular WordPress GDPR plugins. Import unlimited location data from CSV files. Export location data to CSV files for bulk processing or transfer to another website. Draw circles with custom color, stroke, and show info window on circle click.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 5.8.5
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 5.8.4