Formerly BackupBuddy, Solid Backups has been protecting WordPress sites since 2010. Protect and deploy small or large networks of sites quickly and conveniently with secure offsite backups. Reliable insurance against server crashes, site hacks, user errors and malware infections. Store backups securely in our cloud or yours (1GB free). Schedule and send backup archives to the destination of your choice. With just a few clicks, Solid Backups can archive an entire WordPress site from your WordPress dashboard.
Back up the database and file system, or just the files, folders and database tables you specify. Then send the encrypted backup files to a secure location via email, S/FTP or the cloud storage of your choice: Amazon S3, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive. Use Solid Stash to create full backups of your site. Rollback database changes and restore sites or individual files. Sometimes you don’t need to restore an entire site – you just need to restore a few files or a previous database state.
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Updated, current version 9.1.14