Elite Video Player gives you a world-class video experience. With its intuitive and powerful features, there’s no need to look further. Outstanding 24/7 support, top of the line features, lightning fast performance is all you can ask for. We can also customize the player beyond the scope of the current version, according to your needs, so don’t hesitate to ask anything. Elite Video Player is a modern, responsive, fully customizable high-end video player for WordPress that supports advertising (VAST, VMAP, IMA and custom self-hosted ads) and the most popular video platforms like YouTube (single, channel, playlist), Vimeo, self-hosted videos (only mp4 required), Google drive videos, Dropbox videos, local videos, Amazon S3 and LiveStreaming HLS m3u8 videos.
Showcase your videos on your website across all browsers & devices with this unique and powerful video player. Elite Video Player can play any YouTube video, import YouTube playlist or even YouTube user channel. You can use standard YouTube player or YouTube player with custom controls. Elite Video Player now supports any YouTube 360 VR video and even supports livestream videos from YouTube. Play YouTube videos without being distracted by YouTube elements like Watch Later/Share/Logo/Title/Related Videos. Simply play YouTube videos like any other mp4 video without the user knowing the source of the video.
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