WooCommerce Estimated Delivery or Shipping Date per Product allows you to display estimated delivery/shipping date per product and order. You can display estimated delivery date on product page, store page, product archive page, shopping cart page, checkout page, order page and order email. With this plugin, you can display estimated delivery date for each product. This plugin provides you with multi-level delivery time management. It allows you to set and personalize delivery times for each of the products available in your woocommerce website and on multiple levels. This plugin is fully customizable. You have the possibility to display and fully personalize delivery messages.
You can set delivery times on different levels (global, product, variation). Plugin also provide option to combine all cart products delivery date and display only single date for order on cart, checkout and order page based on product in cart with minimum/maximum delivery time. Show estimated delivery date on each product page. Display Delivery Date on Shopping Cart, Checkout, Order Page, and Order Email for each item or as a combined order date. Option to set carrier delivery time for product page. Provide option to set delivery time for each shipping method. Provide option for set delivery time for each product or/and as global setting for all product.
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