Iconic WooThumbs – The most powerful WooCommerce product gallery plugin. Customize your WooCommerce product image gallery in minutes with a new layout, embedded video, multiple images per variant and more. Upgrade the default WooCommerce product gallery with WooThumbs for WooCommerce and improve conversions. Choose between a carousel gallery layout or a modern stacked image gallery layout, depending on the needs of your ecommerce store. Customize the gallery thumbnail position, autoplay slider options, transitions, image sizes, and zoom options. Let customers view product images in full-screen mode with an enhanced and modern product lightbox.
Iconic WooThumbs – Add product videos to your WooCommerce product gallery with the WooThumbs for WooCommerce plugin. Upload your product video to WordPress and easily add it to your product gallery. Or host product videos elsewhere (YouTube & Vimeo) and add a link to your product gallery. Add other media to your video gallery. Include Soundcloud, Wistia, or any page via an iframe. All WooCommerce product gallery media looks slick, with a modern media player, with controls you can customize. Improve the way customers interact with your product variations with WooThumbs for WooCommerce. Add multiple images per product variant and give your customers more visual product information.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 5.11.0