JetSearch is an advanced AJAX search widget designed specifically for Elementor, a popular WordPress page builder. It enhances the search functionality on your website by providing users with fast and relevant search results in real time. Here’s an overview of its features and how you can use it. Go to your WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the page or template you want to add the search widget to. Open the page in Elementor’s editor. Locate the JetSearch widget in the Elementor panel and drag it to the desired location on the page. Search Settings: Specify which types of content (posts, pages, products, etc.) to include in search results. Search Filters: Set up filters based on categories, tags, or custom taxonomies.
Results layout: Customize the appearance of search results, including thumbnails, snippets, and more. Styling options: Customize the widget’s colors, fonts, and other design elements to match your site’s branding. Exclude items: Specify items or content types to exclude from search results. Order and Sorting: Customize the order of search results by date, relevance, and more. Plugin is a powerful tool for enhancing the search functionality on your Elementor-powered WordPress site. It improves user satisfaction and engagement by providing instant, relevant, and visually appealing search results. Its customizable settings allow you to tailor the search experience to your site’s unique needs and design.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 3.5.5
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 3.5.4