Organize content like posts, pages or WooCommerce products and all custom post types into category folders. It’s basically a file manager like Windows Explorer or Mac Finder, but for your WordPress content. Mass Content Management Made Easy with Real Category Management. Real Category Management allows you to organize all your WordPress categories within the summary table of each content type – easily and flexibly. Simply drag and drop your posts into categories. Create, name, delete or rearrange your categories. It works seamlessly with any custom post type. Just install this plugin and it will work with posts, pages, WooCommerce products, LearnPress content, bbPress forums and much more.
Everyone starts their WordPress website from scratch. But over time, the content on a website can grow significantly. Especially with (WooCommerce) stores, (LearnPress) learning content or (bbPress) forums, hundreds or even thousands of entries can quickly accumulate in your content management system. It can be easy to lose track of what is going on or spend a lot of time searching through content using filters. It would be much easier if you could intuitively organize your content into folders. Just like you know from your Windows Explorer or Mac Finder for files. This is exactly what Real Category Management’s category folders allow you to do.
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