Life And Business Coach WordPress Theme (Coaching WP) is a stunning, flexible and multipurpose WP theme for speakers, mentors, trainers, therapists and training, coaches. Its ultimate goal is to help individuals and businesses in the industry to more easily promote their speeches, services and consulting to the world. WP’s uniqueness is due to its amazingly beautiful designs and easy to use website template solution that maximizes user satisfaction. Even though the titles may be different, a great life or health coach, a great mentor, a great speaker and a great trainer all need one thing in common – a branding website that is as AWESOME as they are.
Great UI/UX design is always the first thing that comes to mind when developing this theme. This is even truer in the coaching industry, where every feeling people get when they visit the web can be a big factor in their buying decision. The second most important factor of a phenomenal website is all the functionality and features it offers. WP is lucky enough to inherit all the advanced features from the best-selling Education WordPress theme (Education WP) and the most used WordPress LMS – LearnPress LMS plugin. As a commitment to help your business grow, we even included a full package of LearnPress Premium Add-ons – LearnPress Theme Bundle for free.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 3.8.5
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 3.8.2