WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing allows store admin to automatically print order invoices, packing slips using PrintNode. Normally, when an order is received, store admin will open the order and manually print invoices, packing slips, etc. Doing this manually for multiple orders is time consuming. This WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing makes this process automatic. This plugin automatically sends the configured packing slips, invoices to PrintNode for each and every order placed in the WooCommerce store. PrintNode will then send them to the configured printers for printing. You can configure your general options like store name, address, print size, orientation etc. here.
Check this to enable PrintNode for automatic job printing. Select the paper size to print. Select your print orientation. Select payment gateways (these payment gateway orders will be printed after payment is completed. Remaining orders will be printed when order is placed) Leave blank if you need to print every order when order is placed. Select the sample order to print.
Set your header logo. Enter your shop name. Enter your shop address. Enter your footer content such as terms and conditions, policies, etc. Enable or disable printing protocols.
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