WooCommerce Delivery – Adding delivery date and time slot functionality to your WooCommerce store can significantly improve the customer experience by allowing them to choose their preferred delivery times. To implement this, you can use an existing plugin, or if you’re comfortable with coding, you can develop custom functionality. I’ll cover both approaches here. One of the easiest ways to implement delivery date and time slots in WooCommerce is to use a custom plugin. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce by Tyche Softwares: Allows customers to select a delivery date and time during checkout. Disable certain delivery days, set minimum delivery time, and more. Easily manage delivery dates from admin panel.
WooCommerce Delivery – Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce by CodeRockz: Customers can choose delivery or pickup date and time during checkout. Set up business hours, holidays, lead times and cut off times. Seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce. WooCommerce Delivery Slots by Iconic. Choose delivery dates and times. Limit the number of deliveries per slot. Using a plugin is the quickest and easiest way to add delivery date and time fields to your WooCommerce store. However, if you have specific needs or want to avoid using an additional plugin, you can follow the custom code implementation outlined above.
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