Create unlimited PDF vouchers that customers can redeem online or in person. WooCommerce PDF Vouchers WordPress plugin is a perfect solution for gift certificates, rewards, promotions and event tickets, giving you and your customers complete flexibility. For online stores, offline businesses or those who want to combine the two, this PDF Vouchers plugin will give your business a boost. There’s nothing revolutionary about gift certificates, vouchers or discount codes, but what if you’re selling something that can’t be downloaded or shipped? The PDF Vouchers WordPress plugin opens the door for you to sell any product, service or experience online with vouchers that can be printed and redeemed in person – the sky’s the limit.
WooCommerce PDF Vouchers – You get all the exposure, convenience and security of online ordering and payments, while still being able to deliver your product or service at a later date, in a physical location. PDF Vouchers connects your online store to your brick-and-mortar business, making life easier for your customers and helping you ensure smooth operations and great customer service. It’s automated, secure and easy to manage, including powerful management and reporting features that help you keep track of your voucher codes.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 4.9.9