The WooCommerce Pricing & Discounts! plugin (WCTBP) is a powerful tool that allows the shop admin to create pricing and discount rules that dynamically set product prices and cart discounts or add fees to the cart according to time periods, quantity (currently in cart or item stock value left), amounts spent (per item or cart total) and user roles (for automatic role assignment look for companion plugin: WooCommerce Role by Amount Spent). To receive automatic updates, simply install and configure the Envato Updater plugin. The official guide explaining how to configure it can be found at the following link.
It’s very simple. Once installed and activated, a new WooCommerce Pricing! bulk editor voice will appear in the main menu, from where the shop admin can access the bulk price and discount rules configurator and create the price and discount rules that will define item prices or cart discounts according to Quantity (in cart, in stock, total sales or number of purchases by the customer) or Amount Spent (per item or cart total) or Product Total Sales. In addition, the shop administrator can also create specific rules for each product (or its variants) individually, directly from the admin editing page. Also make sure to remove any sale price manually assigned to a product, they will be ignored by the plugin.
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