The WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace plugin turns your ecommerce store into a fully functional marketplace with multiple sellers with separate seller profiles and allows sellers to add products from the seller panel. With this plugin, the seller can view and edit their profile information. He can view his product list and search, edit or delete products from it. The seller can view a record of their transactions and sales graphs on their dashboard. They can view their order history for all orders, change their password and even ask questions of the admin. The admin can also manage the product list, seller list, commissions and settings.
The admin can edit or delete products, approve, disapprove or assign sellers to products, set separate commission rates for different sellers and change settings such as product auto-publishing and seller auto approval permissions. WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace is now compatible with WooCommerce’s latest features Cart and Checkout Blocks and High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS). WooCommerce Marketplace is now compatible with Elementor. The admin can add the seller page using Elementor’s shortcode widget and then add the [marketplace] shortcode. Now the seller registration and login page will be displayed on this page, and after login, sellers can also see their profile details on the same page.
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