WPBookit Appointment Booking is a comprehensive appointment booking WordPress plugin designed to streamline your booking process and improve the user experience. Perfect for businesses of all sizes, WPBookit provides a seamless and efficient way to manage reservations and appointments directly from your WordPress website. Multiple bookings on the same slot: Allow multiple bookings for the same time slot, perfect for group meetings or events. Staff Management: Efficiently manage staff schedules and appointments. Email Notifications: Send automated email notifications to clients and staff. Client List: Maintain a detailed customer list for easy reference and communication.
WPBookit Appointment Booking Payments – Online & Offline: Accept payments online and offline for greater flexibility. Reporting: Generate comprehensive reports to track bookings and performance. Set Custom Time Slots: Customize available time slots to match your business hours. ICS Calendar Feed URL: Integrate with external calendars using ICS feeds. Translate and RTL Ready: Fully translatable and supports right-to-left text direction. User Profile: Allow users to manage their profiles and booking history. Secure Stays Data: Ensure that all booking data is stored securely. Streamlined booking process: Simplify the booking process for both customers and staff, reducing administrative overhead.
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 1.6.9
Nullmart –
Updated, current version 1.6.7